Jim 和 Linda 的故事:他68,她62,他们结婚41年了。41年,他们一天都没分开过,他们之间无比默契。 有一天Jim 中风了,他半边身体麻木,毫无知觉。 更要命的是他说话口齿不清,咿唔咿唔,但Linda 都能听懂。 因为Jim 以前买了长期护理保险,现在每月从保险公司领钱,所以Linda 不必出去工作,可以全天候地陪伴他,陪他看医生,陪他看老照片,陪他吃午饭,陪他一起去看湖。因为有Linda 的精心照顾,Jim 恢复得很不错,症状减轻了不少。 有些长期护理保险也允许家人提供护理,不要让家人既要护理你,还要为缺钱发愁, 给自己买份保险吧! Cathy 66岁,乳腺癌幸存者。继父92岁,患有多种疾病。 四年前妈妈去世了, 从那时起她就一直照顾继父,给他做饭,帮他洗脚,擦澡,推他出去嗮太阳。 Cathy 很久没看到自己的儿子和孙女了,因为她走不开,继父一步也离不开人呀。为什么他们不找护工? 因为护工太贵,他们负担不起。 为什么政府不管? 因为他们还不够穷。 别成为你孩子的负担,给自己买份长期护理保险吧! Mary是一个特别优雅, 性格外向的优秀的艺术家,走到哪儿都她能成为注意的焦点。但65岁那年她得了老年痴呆。 小女儿Rebecca成为了妈妈的监护人,全天候照顾这个110磅的“两岁” 宝宝,而且还是个穿尿片的大宝宝。 扶妈妈起床,帮她刷牙,给她梳头,哄她吃药,带着她一起去上班…… Rebecca 不知道的是她能坚持多久,她自己的能量会不会先被燃尽。 别成为你女儿的负担,给自己买份长期护理保险吧 ! ![]() http://longtermcare.gov/the-basics/ http://www.ownyourfuturetexas.org/long-term-care/long-term-care-basics/ What is Long-term Care? Long-term care refers to a variety of services and supports that help you with health of personal care needs over an extended period of time. There is a difference between traditional health-care services and long-term care services. Health-care services focus on the prevention and treatment of medical conditions. Long-term care services are designed to help you maintain your current lifestyle at a time when you may not be able to be fully independent. When might you need long-term care? You may need long-term care at any time in your life. In fact, about 43% of all claims for long-term care insurance benefits are from people under age 65. You may need long-term care if you:
Types of long-term Care The type of care you receive can vary depending on your particular need.
It is not only for the elderly. Most of us think of long-term care as being only for the elderly and those in nursing homes, but that’s only part of the story. Forty percent of people currently receiving long-term care services are adults under the age of 65. And, most people receive long-term care services either in their own home, or in the home of a family member—not in a nursing home. The fact is, anyone at any age may need long-term care at some point in their lives. If you sustain an extensive injury or go through a prolonged illness, you may need help with your normal daily activities, such as bathing, getting dressed, or just getting around the house. If you become cognitively impaired, you may need help with meal preparation and eating, or reminders to take medications, or other kinds of support. Although these everyday activities may seem mundane, they are essential to maintaining your independence. Your ability, or inability, to perform these regular activities of daily living give long-term care professionals and those in the insurance industry a very practical measure to use when deciding if you need long-term care. Activities of daily living, often referred to as ADLs, include such regular activities as:
It is difficult to predict how long you need it for. You can’t predict the future, but these facts might give you an idea of how long you may need long-term care.
August 2023