WFG 华人精英的故事
5 位背景各异的华裔精英
从年薪百万的微软技术权威到WFG 理财专家和年收入过百万的金融企业家
在国内时为会计, 新移民, 全职妈妈, 英文不好
Jason Lin
90年代初偷渡来美, 打餐馆, 开过餐馆, 开过手机店
国际学生, 太年轻, 没人脉, 师傅在外地
Sophia Chung
初中来美, 既耽误了国内的教育,也没有完成美国教育. 英文差, 一直在赌场工作。
现在:$50万 年收入
Accounting and MBA
石油工程师, 客户, 因疫情失业
Laura Wang 王琰
Wayne Xiong
湖南省高考状元, 清华才子, 经济学博士, 原Citi Group 高级副总裁
客户故事分享, 很感人!
Teresa Tang Wong
Giving up her insurance agency and $500K income to start over in WFG
She didn't make any money during the first 6 months. But she qualified for Hawaii incentive trip and made $100K shortly after she was properly contracted. She was the first female $1 million/year earner in WFG.
Ling Li's Entrepreneur Journey
Ling joined WFG at age 24, freshly out of college after a short CPA career. She struggled in her first 7 years. She almost quit WFG and went back to work as a CPA. But today she is making $1.5 million + per year and has produced two other millionaires.
Dr. Wan Yang's Early Years in WFG
From scientist to multimillion earner
Dr. Wan Yang started his WFG career in 1996. He was the first CEO MD from the main land China. He was the first $1 million earner with a Ph.D. degree. Today he is leading a team of 5000+ licensed agents and has offices in 49 states in the U.S. His annual income also crossed $4 million. These funny stories revealed how hard he worked in his early years to achieve the success.